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How to scale your business quickly. The Arbor Garden Solutions example.

From 1.5 mln. EUR by the end of 2019 to 12 mln. EUR of yearly incomes today.  IT solutions we`ve made, helped Arbor Garden Solutions to grow their yearly revenue by 800%. 

Business problem:

Few years ago Arbor Garden Solutions was a company that had everything: high-end gardening equipment, steady sales and loyal clients; but the feeling was that something even greater could be achieved. And the answer couldn’t be more simple: they’ve outdone themselves by selling more goods than expected, spent too much precious time on the business management process, and the present system couldn’t meet increased demand. They needed something fast, fresh and simple. 

Arbor Garden Solutions realized early on that cookie-cutter ERP tools won’t cut it as they’ll interfere with an already successful workflow. So instead of changing habits, they’ve opted for tailor-made software that caters to specific business needs.   

Technological solution

NFQ spent months observing how Arbor Garden Solutions functions. This included analyzing and trying to understand why their old ERP system isn’t working anymore, talking to employees, and doing our best to build software that works for the client. Nobody wanted to start a revolution. Our goal was an ERP system that improves workflow without making the company commit to huge changes. Think of it as making smart choices within one’s comfort zone.    

Our team took apart and arranged the entire internal flow and business management system, refurbished the e-shop, implemented new analytics tools, and fixed their logistics, effectively shrinking and optimizing the whole website. 


The 7-month restoration project resulted in less clutter and more clarity, or to be more concrete – an order management system which untied our client's hands to concentrate more on work with direct sales, and leave the technological part to us. 

The result was a UNIFIED system that allows 100% control over every aspect of Arbor Garden Solutions business, which includes anything from analytics/marketing to logistics and production. Our partner wanted to have a clear view of what’s going on in the company. And it paid off with better sales – yearly incomes rose, more employees, and even a new factory to meet increased demands.

“NFQ freed us up so we could focus on direct sales promotion rather than internal processes or micromanaging employees. Thanks to NFQ's IT project managers and engineers, our turnover grew 800%. We’re delighted to have a team we can entrust work to and not have to wonder if it will get done. The numbers speak for themselves,”– says Gediminas Surna, CEO at Arbor Garden Solutions.

The moral? Quality merch is important, but so is the platform that sells it. Arbor Garden Solutions was doing well, but the future had even bigger plans for them.

Tailor-made always feels better. Contact us if your business needs a solution to scale.