
NFQ Technologies will work with Kaunas University of Technology scientists to develop multi-channel trading startup

NFQ Technologies together with the partner Kaunas University of Technology is conducting a European Union investment project which aims to help clients build a successful business by collaborating with specialists of the highest competence. 

The goal of the project is to develop a prototype and final commercial version of software for managing a multi-channel trading business. The architecture of the innovative system which is being developed will make the product usable by both small and large trade and service companies that conduct activities via varied electronic and physical channels.

The project, titled “Development of the Multi-Channel Trading Process Management Software ORIVUS”, is being implemented under the Operational Programme for EU Structural Funds Investments for 2014-2020, priority 1 “Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation”, measure No. J05-LVPA-K “Intellect. Joint Science-Business Projects”. The project’s costs eligible for financing total EUR 1,493,223.82, with EUR 668,222.53 allocated from the European Regional Development Fund and the remainder financed with resources of the executor of the project.


Dalia Dzvonkienė 

Project Coordinator at NFQ

el. p.: dalia.dzvonkiene@nfq.lt